Our National Health Service has delivered quality healthcare to millions of families based on need rather than ability to pay. Our Doctors and Nurses work flat out to ensure that this service performs to best of its ability for every man woman and child in the country. This is why our service should be protected at all costs.
If we ditched our National Health Service then Britain would be a very, very different place to live.
Need an ambulance? Get ready for the bill.
Need an emergency operation? Better take out a loan.
Some would argue that a wholly privatised system would deliver a first class health service, but all too often they forget just how many families would not be able to afford it. So what do they do if they don’t have the money?
That’s why I’m standing up for our National Health Service.
Families would be very able to afford a part privatised system if we made the differences up (huge sums of savings can be made) in a reduction in taxes. The average person is a net-contributor to the NHS, never using as much as he/she pays in.
ReplyDeleteYou realise there are far more options than just 'privatise it' and 'have the NHS'?
ReplyDeleteFor example, the government could provide health insurance for every citizen earning under £40,000 - pay in part for the 40-50k bracket and above that provide no support. Hospitals and medical centers would be privatly owned and not run by the governmnet as they are now, and doctors would be privatly employed. This would introduced private competition while presvering universal healthcare for the population.
There are many variations on this scheme which exsist across Europe and the world.
Your ignorance of other solutions and blatent toeing of the party line is unforgiveable.